Thursday, December 30, 2010

WAKING WONDERS A LOT. (for every one)

We know that With the increasing awareness of the importance of watching one’s health, the average individual tends to look for the exercise programs that promise the most benefits. This may come in the form of club memberships at the neighborhood gym, or weekly tennis matches with other health-conscious friends, or perhaps even yoga or tai-chi classes.

The more unique a particular exercise is, the greater its appeal seems to be, as seen by the increasing interest in the lesser-known martial arts and dance programs. Walking, the very basic movement that every human being learns from his first year of age, has almost always been overlooked, usually being taken as a low-impact exercise only for the aged who can no longer jump and run. Therefore it is often misperceived to offer few benefits to the body. However, there are several important reasons why walking is actually among the best, if not the best, exercise choice:

1. Anyone can do it, even those with serious medical conditions. Since walking is second nature to every human being, this means everyone who can walk can do it as exercise. Everyone who thinks of starting an exercise program needs to consult a physician, and walking is among those that every doctor will recommend to just about anyone. It can be done in the capacity of the specific individual, and as long as he is capable of doing it.

2. Walking does not require any special equipment. There is no need to purchase expensive gear or tools, nor does it require any enrollment fees or membership premiums. Of course, good walking shoes are essential in order to lessen the impact of the steps, but other than that and perhaps a trusty, handy water bottle, anyone is good to go. Some serious walkers may make use of a pedometer, but that is just an added luxury, or sometimes a motivator for the walking fanatic.

3. It is an exercise that can be done anywhere. It does not matter if you live in the city of in the countryside, there will always be places where you can go walking. Urban brisk-walking is fast becoming a trend, with more and more health enthusiasts pumping their arms to the beat of music from iPods and mp3 players plugged to their ears. For those who prefer clean breathing space, the oval tracks at the local sports center are a good idea, and the rubber flooring provides a softer impact for sensitive feet.

4. Walking as a form of exercise is also good in the sense that it can be sustained for long periods of time, much longer than other more strenuous aerobic exercises. Health experts explain that there is a minimum time of increased heart rate that will produce the greatest benefit for the body, pegged to be between twenty and thirty minutes on the average. The low-impact effect of walking means even the most amateur exercise enthusiast will be able to keep at it for that minimum amount of time. The benefits that it gives to the body can sometimes be comparable to that of a shorter but harder running or jogging workout.

5. It can easily be slipped into just about anyone’s busy schedule. Yes, although there may be a minimum time limit for maximized effectiveness, experts also point out health benefits from sudden increase in activity. For example, from a slow pace of walking, sudden bursts of speed at some points trigger a response in the cardiovascular system. This makes it perfect for people with super-busy lifestyles, who have no time to go to the gym or attend aerobics classes that last at least an hour and a half. Walking is easy to incorporate, such as by parking at the farther parking space for an extra sauntering time dispersed throughout the day. The freedom to put in a five-second or ten-second sprint is totally in the person’s hand. In the long run, the added movement will spell incomparable improvements to the cardiovascular system and the entire body on the overall

Monday, September 13, 2010


1. Make it a daily challenge to find ways to move your body. Climb stairs if given a choice between that and escalators or elevators. Play with your kids; throw balls with friends, trim the lawn. Anything that moves your limbs is not only a fitness tool, it’s a stress buster. Think ‘move’ in small increments of time. It doesn’t have to be an hour in the gym. But that’s great when you’re up to it. Meanwhile, move more.

2.Cut Fat: Avoid such as fried foods, burgers and other fatty meals. Dairy products such as cheese, cottage cheese, milk and cream should be eaten in low fat versions. Nuts and sandwich meats, mayonnaise, margarine, butter and sauces should be eaten in limited amounts. Most are available in lower fat versions such as substitute butter, fat free cheeses and mayonnaise.

3.Give up Smoking: Smoking is harmful to your health and your body.
4.Reduce Stress: Easier said than done, stress busters come in many forms. Some techniques recommended by experts are to think positive thoughts. Spend 30 minutes a day doing something you like. (i.e; walk on the beach or in a park; read a good book; visit a friend; play with your baby; listen to soothing music; watch a funny movie. Get a massage, a facial or a haircut. Meditate. Count to ten before losing your temper or getting aggravated. Avoid difficult people when possible.

5.Protect Yourself from Pollution: If you can’t live in a smog-free environment, at least avoid smoke-filled rooms, high traffic areas, breathing in highway fumes and exercising near busy thoroughfares. Exercise indoors in air conditioning when air quality is good. It’s a good pollution and dirt from the street deterrent.

6.Floss Your Teeth: Recent studies make a direct connection between longevity and teeth flossing. Nobody knows exactly why. Perhaps it’s because people who floss tend to be more health conscious than people who don’t? Thought for the day: Floss and be your body’s boss.

7.Keep a optimistic Mental point of view: There’s a definitive connection between living well and healthfully and having a cheerful outlook on life.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


As whenever we ask people to rate out their priorities then we can have different answers from every one. Someone would like to give priority to their family while the other one will like to give priority to their career. Somebody would like to give priority to their religious conviction while the other one would like to give value to their love relationship.

The most important tip for your good health is a proper combination of exercise, proper diet and healthy lifestyle. From regular exercise you burn additional fats in your body. These additional fats are responsible for your weight gain and these fats come from extra calories in your body. So if you do exercise daily then you can burn these calories and it avoids your body to gain weight. Include fruits and nutritional beverages as major component of your daily diet. Nutritional beverages are very good for health and easy to digest, check it out. You can buy your daily health products from stores located near you as well as you can shop online, for more information check it out.

You should actively do various exercises like jogging, walking as well as cycling so that you can control the weight gain. If you are not eating healthy diet and you are consuming extra fats then it is dangerous for your body. Accretion of extra fats is unsafe for your body because it knows how to give you several disorders and illness. Your diet should have a proper sum of vitamins, nutrients as well as natural resources like minerals. Now it is very important for you to live a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle means that you should do all the work with discipline beginning from your wakeup time and that time when you go to bed. It would be better for your health if you wake up before the sun rise and go to bed early.

Take at least six hours of sleep and drink plenty of water. All these tips would not work if you are living a tensed life. Now it is easy to say not to take tensions in life but not easy to manage. Stress is directly related to our work so better to complete the work on time and know your limits. Try to find solution with the help of your family and friends. Do not take that decision which force you in troubles in your life later on because your mind will surely tell you that your particular decision is going to help you or not. In this way you can stay away from your tensions and you can live a happy better good and healthy life


1.Keep an eye on the forecast. In locations that are particularly prone to smog and other pollutants, this becomes a part of the daily weather forecast. If you happen to live in one of these areas where smog is a problem, then keep tuned into the forecast. While you can’t necessarily stay in on these days, you can try to plan your activities around the forecast as you would with the weather. Keep an eye on the days that are potentially high risk for pollution and do whatever you can to avoid being outside and breathing it in.

2.Stay away from smoke, even second hand. A simple guideline to remember—if you smoke, then quit. If you are subject to second hand smoke, then do your best to avoid it. If you are in a smoky environment, even if you aren’t the one doing the actual smoking, this can present a major form of air pollution. Staying away from smoky environments can be very wise for your health, and this is an easy way to avoid air pollution overall.

3.Try to minimize your driving whenever you can. When you drive your car, you are contributing to air pollution. Though it’s not always possible to avoid driving, you can do your part to minimize it as much as possible. You can use another mode of transportation, carpool, condense trips in the car, or even bike to your destination. Whenever possible, do your part by avoiding driving or at least keeping it to a minimum.

4.Don’t exercise or be outside during potentially high pollution days. As you keep tuned into the forecast to know when the potentially polluting days are, stay inside on these days. Though you may enjoy exercising outdoors, avoid the temptation when pollution levels are high. This can ensure your safety and your health when it comes to air pollution.

5.Don’t burn a fire or any other substances. Though many of us enjoy a fire in the fireplace, this contributes to air pollution over time. Do your best to avoid or at least keep the fires to a minimum. Most certainly avoid burning leaves or any other substance as this releases pollutants into the air.

If everybody were to take a vested interest in avoiding air pollution, this effort would go a long way. Air pollution can wreak havoc on your health, so do your best to protect yourself against it. If you avoid potentially polluting situations and do your part to avoid contributing, you will lessen the likelihood of damage down the road and this is great job.


Do you really know by each passing date our life is becoming more hectic and faster. Almost now we have to take care of our health and specially women because the health issue is more sensitive in case of women if we compare it from men. They are extra prone in comparison to men when we talk about diseases.

The influences of diseases on women are more because they have a propensity to have shortage in vitamin D as well as calcium. Women need to make sure that a sufficient ingestion of these two nutrients is very necessary. They should start caring of their health with these two nutrients so that their bones should get proper strength. It is very necessary to eat that food which has adequate amount of vitamin D and calcium when they are above 30.

Now you should keep in mind that you should never live that life style which can make you obese. Unhealthy diet and fatness plays a major role in breast cancer. Do not eat junk food and fast food because you will gain weight from that which can make you lethargic. It can also give you bad complexion and dejection. Do not eat extra red meat and try to eat food which has fiber. Eat fruit and vegetables more because they help you to balance the amount of minerals and vitamins in your body.

The next thing is that you should drink plenty of water. At least 2.5 liters of water is necessary for your body. It also helps you to stay away from the problem of kidney stone. Your skin will get better and you will feel less exhausted.

The vitamins and mineral supplements would be beneficial for the body. For menstruating women iron supplements would be very beneficial. During the time of month it is essential that your body should get sufficient amount of iron. Vitamin E would be useful for your skin and body.


Walking is one of the secured and trouble-free ways to maintain your health. It is the physical activity that helps to improve the blood flow in our body due to which every part of our body feels energetic. Walking also helps to develop a good respiratory and emaciated organization due to which the overall health improves quickly. It also improves the mental fitness due to which we can find improvement in our work.

Walking is the form of aerobic workout. It assists to decrease the hazard of diabetes and moreover it also lessens the danger of heart-attack. It also decreases the additional weight. The bone concentration amplifies with the help of walking.

It is an exercise that many people prefer to neglect. However the reason is noticeable. We do this act daily and we do not include the fact in our mind that it is an aerobic activity. It decreases the importance and due to which we start neglecting it. We need to understand that it is not a useless act. It can give us so many health benefits. So why not should we include it in our daily routine? The form of exercise-walking is different from simple walking. You need to be more active while doing exercise-walking. Start slowly and later on shift your momentum to fast walking. It can be very helpful if you want to control your weight. Try that you should not use your vehicle if you are going to a nearby area. You should walk for the better health. You should not think in a way that walking is not helpful. It would be better to make a habit to wake-up early in the morning and go out for a walk. It can give you immense benefits. Therefore do not make excuses and walk to stay fit forever